Interior Decorating: Designing A Room Theme

Interior Decorating: Designing A Room Theme

18th Century French Provincial Walnut Armoire
18th Century French Provincial Walnut Armoire from

The Armoire Furniture: A Guide to Understanding

Armoire Furniture

An armoire furniture is a free-standing wardrobe cabinet, which has its roots in 16th century France. It is a versatile piece of furniture that can be used in a variety of ways, such as a closet for clothes or a storage solution for linens, electronics or even a TV. In general, armoires are tall, with two doors that open to reveal a hanging space, shelves or drawers.

The word "armoire" actually comes from the French word "armor," which means "armor" or "protection." This is because the armoire was originally used to store weapons and armor. Over time, it became a more decorative piece of furniture that was used to store clothing and other personal items.

Armoire furniture comes in a variety of styles, from antique and traditional to modern and chic. Some armoires are made of wood, while others are made of metal or other materials. They can be quite large, taking up an entire wall, or small enough to fit in a corner of a room.

Designing a Bedroom Theme: Cozy & Chic

Cozy and Chic Bedroom Theme

When it comes to designing a bedroom, one popular theme is cozy and chic. This theme is all about creating a warm and inviting space that is also stylish and trendy. To achieve this look, consider the following:

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

The color scheme should be warm and neutral, with a mix of whites, grays, and browns. Add pops of color with accent pillows or artwork.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

The bed should be the focal point of the room, with a cozy comforter and plenty of pillows. Place a rug under the bed and add a couple of side tables with lamps. A dresser or armoire can be placed against a wall for storage.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options

Add decorative touches to the room with artwork, mirrors, and plants. Hang curtains or drapes over the windows for privacy and style. A few candles or diffusers can add a warm and inviting scent to the room.

Designing a Living Room Theme: Modern & Minimalist

Modern and Minimalist Living Room Theme

For a living room, a popular theme is modern and minimalist. This theme is all about creating a clean and uncluttered space that is also functional and stylish. To achieve this look, consider the following:

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

The color scheme should be neutral, with a mix of whites, grays, and blacks. Add pops of color with accent pillows or artwork.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

Furniture should be streamlined and functional. A comfortable couch or sectional can be the centerpiece of the room, with a couple of side tables and a coffee table. A TV stand or media console can be placed against a wall for storage.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options

Add decorative touches to the room with artwork, sculptures, and plants. Hang curtains or blinds over the windows for privacy and style. A few sleek lamps or a pendant light can add a modern touch to the room.


Designing a room theme can be a fun and creative process. Whether you prefer cozy and chic or modern and minimalist, there are endless possibilities to create a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable. Remember to consider the color scheme, furniture placement, and decorative options to enhance the overall look and feel of the room. And don't forget the versatile armoire furniture, which can add both storage and style to any room.

Creating An Ice Rink In Your Backyard

Creating An Ice Rink In Your Backyard

35 Insanely Chic Ice Rinks Backyard Home, Family, Style and Art Ideas
35 Insanely Chic Ice Rinks Backyard Home, Family, Style and Art Ideas from


Having an ice rink in your backyard can be a great way to have fun with family and friends during the winter months. It can also be a great way to improve your skating skills. However, creating an ice rink in your backyard is not an easy task. You need to have the right materials, tools, and knowledge to create a safe and functional ice rink.

Ice Rink in Backyard

Choosing the Right Location

The first step in creating an ice rink in your backyard is to choose the right location. You need to find a location that is flat and has good drainage. If you choose a location that is sloped or has poor drainage, you may end up with a lopsided or flooded ice rink.

Flat Backyard

Gathering Materials and Tools

Once you have chosen the right location for your ice rink, you need to gather the materials and tools. You will need a plastic liner or tarp, wooden stakes, a hammer, a shovel, a hose, and water.

Plastic Liner for Backyard Ice Rinks

Preparing the Site

Before you can lay down the plastic liner or tarp, you need to prepare the site. Use wooden stakes and a hammer to mark out the perimeter of the ice rink. Then, use a shovel to remove any grass, rocks, or debris from the site. Once the site is clear, you can lay down the plastic liner or tarp.

Shovel for Backyard Ice Rinks

Adding Water

After the plastic liner or tarp is in place, you can start adding water. Use a hose to fill the ice rink with water. It is important to add water in thin layers, allowing each layer to freeze before adding the next layer. This will help create a smooth and even surface.

Hose for Backyard Ice Rinks

Maintaining the Ice Rink

Once the ice rink is frozen, you need to maintain it. This involves removing snow and adding water as needed. You can use a shovel or snow blower to remove snow, and a hose to add water. It is important to maintain the ice rink regularly to prevent cracks and uneven surfaces.

Snow Blower for Backyard Ice Rinks

Safety Considerations

It is important to consider safety when creating an ice rink in your backyard. Make sure the perimeter of the ice rink is clearly marked and that there are no hazards, such as rocks or tree branches, around the edges. You should also wear appropriate clothing and gear, such as a helmet and gloves, when skating on the ice rink.

Safety Gear for Backyard Ice Rinks


Creating an ice rink in your backyard can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the right materials, tools, and knowledge, you can create a safe and functional ice rink that you and your family can enjoy all winter long.

Interior Decorating: Repurposing An Old Bathtub

Interior Decorating: Repurposing An Old Bathtub

10 Creative Ideas to Reuse & Recycle Bathtub (Pictures)
10 Creative Ideas to Reuse & Recycle Bathtub (Pictures) from

The Challenge of Repurposing an Old Bathtub

When you have an old bathtub that you no longer use, it can be challenging to figure out what to do with it. You might be tempted to just get rid of it, but there are many creative and practical ways to repurpose an old bathtub that can add character and style to your home.

Theme and Design Approach

For repurposing an old bathtub, the theme and design approach should be centered around sustainability and eco-friendliness. The goal is to reuse the old bathtub in a way that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, while also reducing waste and promoting a green lifestyle.

Color Scheme

The color scheme for repurposing an old bathtub should be earthy and natural, with shades of green, brown, and beige. This will complement the sustainable and eco-friendly theme, and create a sense of harmony and balance in the space.

Furniture Placement

The placement of furniture will depend on the specific repurposing project, but it's important to consider both functionality and style. For example, if you're repurposing the old bathtub as a garden pond, you might want to arrange outdoor furniture around it to create a relaxing and peaceful environment.

Decorative Options

There are many decorative options for repurposing an old bathtub, such as adding plants, stones, or other natural elements to create a rustic and organic look. You could also paint the bathtub with eco-friendly paint, or add mosaic tiles to create a unique and colorful design.

Repurposing Ideas for an Old Bathtub

1. Garden Pond

One of the most popular ways to repurpose an old bathtub is to turn it into a garden pond. This is a great way to add a water feature to your outdoor space, and can be done with minimal effort and expense. Simply dig a hole for the bathtub, place it in the hole, and fill it with water and aquatic plants.

2. Outdoor Seating

Another creative way to repurpose an old bathtub is to turn it into outdoor seating. This can be done by adding a cushion and some throw pillows to the bathtub, and placing it on a sturdy base. This is a great way to create a cozy and unique seating area in your garden or patio.

3. Planter

You can also use an old bathtub as a planter for flowers, herbs, or vegetables. This is a great way to add greenery and color to your outdoor space, and can be done by filling the bathtub with soil and planting your favorite plants.

4. Indoor Sofa

If you're feeling particularly creative, you could repurpose an old bathtub as an indoor sofa. This can be done by adding a cushion and some throw pillows to the bathtub, and placing it on a sturdy base. This is a great way to create a unique and cozy seating area in your home.


Repurposing an old bathtub can be a fun and creative way to add character and style to your home, while also promoting sustainability and eco-friendliness. Whether you're turning it into a garden pond, outdoor seating, planter, or indoor sofa, there are many ways to repurpose an old bathtub that can enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of your living space.

Barns And Silos: A Relaxed English Language Interior Design Approach

Barns And Silos: A Relaxed English Language Interior Design Approach

Free photo Old Barn Aged, Barn, Building Free Download Jooinn
Free photo Old Barn Aged, Barn, Building Free Download Jooinn from
Barns and Silos


Barns and silos are iconic structures of rural America. They represent a simple, rustic way of life that many people find comforting and inviting. Using a relaxed English language design approach, we can create a bedroom or other living space that embodies the warmth and simplicity of a barn or silo.
Barn Bedroom

Color Scheme

The color scheme for a barn or silo-themed room should be warm and inviting. Earth tones such as brown, rust, and green can be used to create a cozy atmosphere. Accent colors such as red and yellow can be added to create a pop of color.
Barn Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

Furniture placement should be simple and functional. The focus should be on creating a comfortable and inviting space. A rustic bed frame, dresser, and nightstand can be used to create a cohesive look.
Barn Bedroom Furniture

Decorative Options

Decorative options for a barn or silo-themed room can include items such as a wooden headboard, a cowhide rug, and vintage farm equipment. Wall decor can include framed photos of barns or silos, as well as rustic signs and other vintage items.
Barn Bedroom Decor


Using a relaxed English language design approach, we can create a cozy and inviting bedroom or other living space that embodies the warmth and simplicity of a barn or silo. By using warm earth tones, simple furniture placement, and rustic decorative options, we can create a space that provides both comfort and style.