Small Backyard Patio Design

Small Backyard Patio Design

30 Best Small Backyard Patio Ideas (5) Googodecor
30 Best Small Backyard Patio Ideas (5) Googodecor from
Small Backyard Patio Design


Having a small backyard doesn't mean you can't have a beautiful and functional patio. With the right design approach and furniture placement, you can transform a small outdoor space into a cozy and inviting retreat. In this article, we'll explore some theme and design ideas for a small backyard patio and suggest color schemes, furniture placement, and other decorative options that can enhance aesthetics and comfortability.

Theme and Design Approach

When designing a small backyard patio, it's important to choose a theme and design approach that suits your personal style and complements the overall look of your home. Here are some ideas to consider:

1. Zen Garden

A Zen garden theme is a perfect choice for a small backyard patio. This design approach emphasizes simplicity, balance, and tranquility. Choose natural materials such as stone, wood, and bamboo for furniture and decor. Add some potted plants to create a serene and calming atmosphere.
Zen Garden

2. Mediterranean Oasis

A Mediterranean theme is another great option for a small backyard patio. This design approach features warm colors, natural textures, and plenty of greenery. Choose wrought iron or wooden furniture with colorful cushions and add some terra cotta planters filled with herbs or flowers.
Mediterranean Patio

3. Contemporary Chic

A contemporary theme is a sleek and modern option for a small backyard patio. This design approach features clean lines, neutral colors, and minimalistic decor. Choose furniture with metallic finishes and add some geometric-patterned throw pillows for a pop of color.
Contemporary Patio

Color Schemes

Choosing the right color scheme is crucial for creating a cohesive and inviting backyard patio. Here are some color schemes to consider:

1. Neutrals

Neutral colors such as beige, gray, and white create a timeless and elegant look. They're also versatile and can complement any design approach.
Neutral Patio

2. Bold and Bright

Bold and bright colors such as red, orange, and yellow create a lively and energetic atmosphere. They're perfect for a Mediterranean or tropical theme.
Bright Patio

3. Pastels

Pastel colors such as pink, lavender, and mint create a soft and romantic ambiance. They're perfect for a Zen garden or shabby chic theme.
Pastel Patio

Furniture Placement

Proper furniture placement is essential for maximizing the functionality and comfort of a small backyard patio. Here are some tips to consider:

1. Use Multifunctional Furniture

Choose furniture that can serve multiple purposes such as a bench with built-in storage or a coffee table with a removable top for extra storage.
Multifunctional Patio Furniture

2. Create Zones

Divide your small backyard patio into different zones such as a dining area, a lounge area, and a reading nook. Use furniture and decor to clearly define each zone.
Patio Zones

3. Maximize Vertical Space

Use vertical space to your advantage by adding hanging plants, wall-mounted planters, and shelves. This not only adds visual interest but also maximizes floor space.
Vertical Patio Space

Decorative Options

Decorative options such as lighting, textiles, and accessories can add the finishing touches to your small backyard patio. Here are some ideas to consider:

1. Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting is essential for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Use string lights, lanterns, or candles to add warmth and ambiance.
Outdoor Patio Lighting

2. Textiles

Add some softness and texture to your small backyard patio by using outdoor rugs, throw pillows, and blankets.
Outdoor Patio Textiles

3. Accessories

Add some personality to your small backyard patio by using accessories such as artwork, sculptures, or a water feature.
Outdoor Patio Accessories


A small backyard patio can be a beautiful and functional addition to your home. By choosing the right theme and design approach, color scheme, furniture placement, and decorative options, you can create a cozy and inviting outdoor retreat. Whether you prefer a Zen garden, Mediterranean oasis, or contemporary chic theme, there are plenty of options to suit your personal style. With a little creativity and imagination, you can transform your small backyard patio into a space you'll love to spend time in.
Inground Pool Backyard Designs

Inground Pool Backyard Designs

Backyard Swimming Pool Ideas SWIMMING POOL
Backyard Swimming Pool Ideas SWIMMING POOL from


If you're lucky enough to have a backyard, adding an inground pool is one way to enhance your outdoor living space. A well-designed pool can be the centerpiece of your backyard and provide a place for relaxation, exercise, and entertainment. In this article, we'll explore some inground pool backyard designs and provide suggestions on how to create a beautiful and functional space.

swimming pool backyard designs

Themes and Design Approaches


A modern design approach for an inground pool would be sleek and minimalistic. Think clean lines, geometric shapes, and neutral colors. A modern pool would look great with a surrounding deck made of composite materials or concrete. Add some contemporary outdoor furniture and lighting to complete the look.

modern pool backyard designs


If you want to create a backyard oasis, a tropical theme is perfect. Use lush greenery, palm trees, and vibrant flowers to create a natural and vibrant environment. A tiki bar or outdoor kitchen would be a great addition to complete the tropical look.

tropical pool backyard designs


A rustic design approach for an inground pool would be cozy and inviting. Use natural materials like stone, wood, and brick to create a warm and earthy feel. Add some rustic outdoor furniture and lighting to complete the look.

rustic pool backyard designs

Color Schemes

The color scheme for your inground pool backyard design will depend on the theme and design approach you choose. For a modern look, stick to neutral colors like white, gray, and black. For a tropical theme, use vibrant colors like teal, orange, and yellow. For a rustic design, use warm colors like brown, red, and orange.

Furniture Placement

The furniture placement for your inground pool backyard design will depend on how you plan to use the space. If you want to use your pool for relaxation, consider adding some chaise lounges and outdoor sofas. If you want to use your pool for entertainment, consider adding some outdoor dining furniture and a bar area.

Other Decorative Options

There are many other decorative options you can use to enhance your inground pool backyard design. Some ideas include:

  • Adding outdoor lighting to create a relaxing ambiance
  • Using outdoor rugs to define different areas of your backyard
  • Adding a fire pit or fireplace for warmth and comfort on cool evenings
  • Using decorative tiles or mosaics to create a unique pool design
  • Adding a water feature like a fountain or waterfall for a calming effect


An inground pool can be a wonderful addition to your backyard. By choosing a theme and design approach, selecting a color scheme, and adding furniture and decorative options, you can create a beautiful and functional outdoor living space that you and your family can enjoy for years to come.

Backyard Bonfire Party Ideas

Backyard Bonfire Party Ideas

10 Ideas How to Host Fun Backyard Bonfire parties Simphome
10 Ideas How to Host Fun Backyard Bonfire parties Simphome from


Nothing beats a cozy gathering around a bonfire with friends and family. It's the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors and spend quality time with loved ones. With a little creativity and planning, you can turn your backyard into the ultimate bonfire party destination. Here are some ideas to inspire your next backyard bonfire party.

Backyard bonfire party


The first step to planning a successful backyard bonfire party is to send out invitations. Keep it simple by creating a Facebook event or sending out an email invitation. You can also get creative and send out personalized invitations that match the theme of your party.

Bonfire party invitation


Set the mood for your bonfire party with the right decorations. You can create a cozy atmosphere by stringing up fairy lights or lanterns around the party area. Add some rustic charm by using wooden accents and burlap table runners. Don't forget to set up some comfortable seating options for your guests, like hay bales or Adirondack chairs.

Bonfire party decorations

Food and Drinks

No bonfire party is complete without some delicious food and drinks. Serve up some classic campfire snacks like s'mores, hot dogs, and popcorn. Keep guests hydrated with a variety of drinks, including hot cocoa, cider, and beer. Set up a DIY hot cocoa bar or a s'mores station to add some interactive fun to your party.

Bonfire party food

Games and Activities

Keep your guests entertained with some fun games and activities. Set up a game of cornhole or horseshoes for some outdoor fun. You can also create a DIY photo booth with some props and a backdrop. Don't forget to bring out some musical instruments for an impromptu sing-along around the bonfire.

Bonfire party games

Bonfire Safety

It's important to prioritize safety when planning a bonfire party. Make sure to check with your local fire department regarding open burning laws and regulations. Choose a safe location for your bonfire that is away from any flammable materials. Keep a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher nearby in case of emergencies.

Bonfire safety

Clean Up

After the party is over, it's important to properly clean up the area. Make sure to extinguish the bonfire completely and dispose of any remaining ashes safely. Collect any trash and debris and dispose of it properly. Leave the area cleaner than you found it.

Bonfire party clean up


A backyard bonfire party is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and spend time with loved ones. With these ideas, you can create a memorable and fun-filled event that everyone will enjoy. Remember to prioritize safety and clean up properly after the party is over. Happy party planning!

Creating Your Own Backyard Skating Rink

Creating Your Own Backyard Skating Rink

How to build a ice rink kobo building
How to build a ice rink kobo building from


Winter is here, and what better way to enjoy the season than by building your own backyard skating rink? Whether you're an avid skater or just looking for a fun activity to do with your family, a backyard skating rink can provide hours of entertainment. In this article, we'll go over the steps and considerations you need to keep in mind when building your own rink.

Backyard skating rink construction


The first thing you need to consider is where you want to build your skating rink. You'll need a flat, level surface that is at least 20 feet by 40 feet. Ideally, you'll want to choose an area that is close to your house so you can easily access it, but not too close that you risk damaging your property.

Flat level surface


Once you've chosen your location, you'll need to gather the necessary materials. You'll need a liner, which can be made of plastic or tarp, stakes to hold the liner in place, and a water source. You can also add boards around the perimeter of your rink to help contain the water and provide a barrier for skaters.

Plastic liner for skating rink


Now that you have all your materials, it's time to start building. First, lay out your liner over the area where you want to build your rink. Make sure it's flat and level, and use stakes to hold it in place. Then, use your water source to fill the rink with water. It's best to do this in layers, allowing each layer to freeze before adding more water. Once your rink is frozen solid, you can remove the stakes and add boards around the perimeter if desired.

Backyard skating rink


Once your rink is built, it's important to maintain it properly. You'll need to regularly shovel snow off the surface and add a fresh layer of water to smooth out any bumps or cracks. You can also add a layer of ice melt to help prevent the surface from becoming too slick. Additionally, make sure to inspect the boards around the perimeter for any damage and make repairs as necessary.

Skating rink maintenance


While a backyard skating rink can be a fun and exciting activity, it's important to keep safety in mind. Make sure to clear any nearby obstacles, such as rocks or branches, and provide adequate lighting if you plan on skating at night. Always wear appropriate safety gear, such as helmets and pads, and supervise children at all times.

Skating rink safety


Building your own backyard skating rink can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. By following these steps and taking the necessary precautions, you can create a safe and fun environment for you and your family to enjoy this winter.

Small Backyard Wedding: A Relaxed And Intimate Affair

Small Backyard Wedding: A Relaxed And Intimate Affair

Ideas For Simple Backyard Weddings Mystical Designs and Tags
Ideas For Simple Backyard Weddings Mystical Designs and Tags from
Small Backyard Wedding


A small backyard wedding can be a beautiful and intimate affair, perfect for those looking for a relaxed and informal celebration. With the right design approach, you can transform your backyard into a stunning wedding venue that will make your special day truly unforgettable. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and suggestions on how to decorate and design your backyard for a small wedding.

Color Scheme

When it comes to color schemes for a small backyard wedding, you want to keep things simple and elegant. Neutral colors like ivory, beige, and white work well for a wedding, as they create a classic and timeless look that will never go out of style. You can also incorporate pops of color with flowers and other decorations, but make sure to keep the overall color palette cohesive and harmonious.
Backyard Wedding Color Schemes


Lighting is key when it comes to creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere for your backyard wedding. String lights are a popular choice for outdoor weddings, as they add a soft and magical glow to the space. You can also use lanterns, candles, and other decorative lighting to create a warm and inviting ambiance.
Backyard Wedding Lighting


When it comes to seating for a small backyard wedding, you want to keep things cozy and intimate. Consider using long tables instead of round ones, as they encourage conversation and create a more communal atmosphere. You can also mix and match different types of chairs and benches to create a more eclectic and personalized look.
Backyard Wedding Seating


When it comes to decorations for a small backyard wedding, you want to keep things simple and elegant. You can use flowers, garlands, and other greenery to add a natural and organic touch to the space. You can also incorporate personal touches like photos, candles, and other sentimental items to create a more personalized and intimate atmosphere.
Backyard Wedding Decorations


A small backyard wedding can be a beautiful and intimate affair, perfect for those looking for a relaxed and informal celebration. By following these tips and suggestions, you can transform your backyard into a stunning wedding venue that will make your special day truly unforgettable.
Transform Your Backyard With A Relaxing Outdoor Shower

Transform Your Backyard With A Relaxing Outdoor Shower

45 Stunning outdoor showers that will leave you invigorated
45 Stunning outdoor showers that will leave you invigorated from
Outdoor Shower Design


If you're looking for a refreshing and rejuvenating addition to your backyard, an outdoor shower is the perfect option. Not only does it provide a practical solution for rinsing off after a swim, but it can also serve as a luxurious and stylish feature to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space.

Choosing a Theme and Design Approach

When it comes to designing your backyard shower, there are many different themes and design approaches to consider. You could go for a natural, rustic look with wooden accents and earthy tones, or opt for a sleek and modern design with clean lines and metallic finishes.

Natural and Rustic

For a natural and rustic look, consider using materials such as wood, stone, and natural fibers. Choose a color scheme that includes earthy tones such as browns, greens, and blues. You might also want to incorporate plants and foliage into the design to create a lush and inviting atmosphere.
Natural Outdoor Shower

Sleek and Modern

If you prefer a more modern look, consider using materials such as metal, glass, and concrete. Choose a color scheme that includes neutral tones such as whites, grays, and blacks. You might also want to incorporate sleek, geometric shapes into the design to create a contemporary feel.
Modern Outdoor Shower

Furniture Placement and Decorative Options

When it comes to furniture placement and decorative options, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, you'll want to make sure that your shower is located in a convenient and private area of your backyard. You might also want to consider incorporating seating or a small table into the design to create a comfortable and functional space.


Incorporating seating into your outdoor shower area can be a great way to create a comfortable and functional space. Consider using materials such as wood or wicker to create a natural and inviting feel.
Outdoor Shower Seating


If you plan on spending time in your outdoor shower area, consider incorporating a small table into the design. This can be a great place to set down your towel and other items, or even enjoy a drink or snack.
Outdoor Shower Table

Decorative Accents

Finally, don't forget to incorporate decorative accents into your outdoor shower area. This could include things like candles, lanterns, or even artwork. Choose items that complement your chosen theme and design approach to create a cohesive and stylish look.
Outdoor Shower Decor


Whether you prefer a natural and rustic look or a sleek and modern design, an outdoor shower can be a great addition to your backyard. By considering furniture placement and decorative options, you can create a comfortable and stylish space that enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of your outdoor area.