The Gambrel Barn: A Relaxed Interior Design Approach

The Gambrel Barn: A Relaxed Interior Design Approach

The Gambrel Barn
The Gambrel Barn from

The Theme and Design Approach

Gambrel Barn
The gambrel barn is a classic American icon, with its distinctive roofline and sturdy structure. It's a perfect choice for a relaxed interior design approach, as it evokes a sense of history, warmth, and comfort. The design approach for this theme should focus on creating a cozy, inviting space that feels like a home rather than a showroom. The emphasis should be on simplicity, functionality, and comfort.

Color Scheme

Color Scheme
The color scheme for the gambrel barn should be warm and welcoming, with earthy colors that reflect the natural environment. Soft browns, greens, and blues work well, as do warm yellows, oranges, and reds. Textured fabrics and natural materials, such as wood and stone, can help to create a cozy atmosphere.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement
Furniture placement in the gambrel barn should be simple and functional, with an emphasis on comfort. The main living area should be centered around a large fireplace or wood stove, with comfortable seating arranged around it. Soft, plush sofas and chairs work well, as do natural wood tables and shelves. The dining area should be nearby, with a large table and comfortable chairs. Bedrooms can be located on the upper level, with cozy beds and soft lighting.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options
Decorative options for the gambrel barn should be simple and rustic, with an emphasis on natural materials and textures. Soft lighting, such as lamps and candles, can help to create a cozy atmosphere. Textured fabrics, such as wool and cotton, can be used for curtains, blankets, and pillows. Natural materials, such as wood and stone, can be used for shelves, tables, and decorative accents. Artwork and photographs that reflect the natural environment can also be used to add warmth and personality to the space.


The gambrel barn is a classic American icon that is perfect for a relaxed interior design approach. With a warm and welcoming color scheme, simple and functional furniture placement, and rustic decorative options, this theme can create a cozy and inviting space that feels like home. So, if you're looking to create a relaxing and comfortable environment in your home, consider the gambrel barn as your inspiration.