Interior Decorating: Designing A Relaxing Bathroom With Bathtub Reglazing In Philadelphia

Interior Decorating: Designing A Relaxing Bathroom With Bathtub Reglazing In Philadelphia

Bathtub Reglazing A1 Reglaze Philadelphia
Bathtub Reglazing A1 Reglaze Philadelphia from


Bathroom Interior Design

When it comes to interior decorating, the bathroom is often overlooked. But with a little attention and creativity, this space can become a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation. One way to enhance the look and feel of your bathroom is by reglazing your bathtub. If you're in the Philadelphia area, bathtub reglazing services are readily available. In this article, we'll explore some design approaches and color schemes that can help you create a relaxing bathroom atmosphere with reglazed bathtubs.

Design Approach: Zen Minimalism

Zen Bathroom Interior Design

A zen minimalist approach can be perfect for a relaxing bathroom. This design approach emphasizes simplicity, natural materials, and a neutral color palette. When it comes to bathtub reglazing, a white or off-white finish can complement this design approach. You can also add some natural wood elements, such as a wooden stool or shelving, to bring some warmth and texture to the space.

Color Scheme: Neutral with Accents

Neutral Color Palette

The color scheme for a zen minimalist bathroom should be neutral, with accents of natural materials. Think whites, beiges, grays, and browns. You can add some interest to the space with a patterned shower curtain or some colorful towels, but overall, the color scheme should be calming and understated.

Furniture Placement: Keep it Simple

Minimalist Bathroom Furniture

When it comes to furniture placement, keep it simple. A zen minimalist bathroom should have only the essentials. A bathtub, a sink, a toilet, and maybe a small stool or shelving unit. Keep the space open and uncluttered, and let the natural materials and neutral colors speak for themselves.

Design Approach: Vintage Charm

Vintage Bathroom Interior Design

If you prefer a more vintage look for your bathroom, you can still incorporate reglazed bathtubs into your design approach. A vintage bathroom can be cozy and charming, with lots of character and personality. When it comes to bathtub reglazing, you can choose a color that complements your vintage aesthetic. Soft pastels, muted blues and greens, or even a bold black or red can work well.

Color Scheme: Soft and Muted

Soft Color Palette

The color scheme for a vintage bathroom should be soft and muted, with a touch of whimsy. Think pastels, muted blues and greens, and soft grays. You can add some interest to the space with some vintage-inspired wallpaper or some quirky accessories, but overall, the color scheme should be soothing and nostalgic.

Furniture Placement: Mix and Match

Vintage Bathroom Furniture

When it comes to furniture placement in a vintage bathroom, you can mix and match different styles and eras. A vintage clawfoot bathtub can be paired with a modern sink and a vintage mirror, for example. Don't be afraid to experiment with different textures and materials, and let your personality shine through.


Reglazing your bathtub can be a simple yet effective way to enhance the look and feel of your bathroom. Whether you prefer a zen minimalist approach or a vintage charm aesthetic, there are many design approaches and color schemes that can complement your bathtub reglazing. Keep furniture placement simple and functional, and let your personal style shine through with accessories and accents. With a little attention and creativity, your bathroom can become a relaxing sanctuary for you to enjoy.