Interior Decorating: Designing A Bed-Ridden Space

Interior Decorating: Designing A Bed-Ridden Space

Bedridden Caregiving How to Care for Someone Confined to Bed
Bedridden Caregiving How to Care for Someone Confined to Bed from

The Theme

Bed-Ridden Theme

When it comes to designing a bed-ridden space, the theme should be centered around comfort and functionality. The space should feel cozy, warm, and inviting, while also being practical for daily use. The theme should be centered around the person who will be spending most of their time in the room, and their needs should be taken into consideration when designing the space.

The Color Scheme

Bed-Ridden Color Scheme

The color scheme for a bed-ridden space should be calming and soothing. Soft shades of blue, green, and gray are ideal for this type of space. These colors promote relaxation and a sense of calmness, which is important for someone who is spending a lot of time in bed. Avoid bright colors, as they can be overstimulating and may make it difficult for the person to relax.

Furniture Placement

Bed-Ridden Furniture

The furniture in a bed-ridden space should be arranged in a way that is both functional and comfortable. The bed should be the focal point of the room, and should be placed in the center of the space if possible. This will make it easier for caregivers to access the bed from all sides. A bedside table should be placed within easy reach of the bed, and should be large enough to hold a lamp, a phone, and other necessities. A comfortable chair or recliner should also be included in the room, as this will provide a place for caregivers to sit and rest.

The Bed

Bed-Ridden Bed

The bed is the most important piece of furniture in a bed-ridden space. It should be comfortable, supportive, and easy to maneuver. An adjustable bed is ideal for a bed-ridden space, as it can be raised and lowered to different positions for maximum comfort. The mattress should be firm enough to provide support, but soft enough to be comfortable. A mattress pad or topper can also be added to provide extra cushioning. The bedding should be soft and cozy, and should be changed regularly to maintain a clean and comfortable environment.


Bed-Ridden Lighting

The lighting in a bed-ridden space should be soft and gentle. Overhead lighting can be harsh and overstimulating, so it should be avoided if possible. Instead, use lamps with soft, warm light bulbs to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. A bedside lamp is essential for reading and other activities, while a floor lamp can be used to provide additional lighting.

Decorative Options

Bed-Ridden Decor

When it comes to decorative options, simplicity is key in a bed-ridden space. Too many decorations can be overwhelming and may make it difficult for the person to relax. Instead, choose a few simple decorations that will add warmth and personality to the space. Wall art, throw pillows, and a cozy throw blanket are all great options. Avoid decorations that are too loud or busy, as they can be overstimulating.


Designing a bed-ridden space requires careful consideration of the person's needs and preferences. The space should be comfortable, functional, and soothing, with a focus on simplicity and practicality. By following these guidelines, you can create a space that is both beautiful and functional, and that will provide comfort and support for the person who will be spending most of their time in the room.