How To Display Towels In A Bathroom

28 Towel Display Ideas for Pretty (and Practical) Bathroom Storage
28 Towel Display Ideas for Pretty (and Practical) Bathroom Storage from

Displaying towels in a bathroom can be a challenge. You want them to be easily accessible, but also aesthetically pleasing. Here are some ideas for displaying towels in a way that is both functional and stylish.

1. Use a Towel Rack

Towel Rack

A towel rack is a classic way to display towels in a bathroom. It keeps them off the floor and within reach. You can choose from a variety of designs, from sleek and modern to traditional and ornate. Consider the size of your bathroom and the number of towels you need to hang when selecting a towel rack.

2. Hang Towels from Hooks

Towel Hooks

Hanging towels from hooks is a great way to add some visual interest to your bathroom. You can choose from a variety of hook designs, from simple and modern to decorative and ornate. This option is also great for smaller bathrooms where space is at a premium.

3. Roll Towels in Baskets

Towel Basket

Rolling towels and placing them in baskets is a great way to add some texture and warmth to your bathroom. You can choose from a variety of basket designs, from wicker to wire. This option is also great for bathrooms with limited wall space.

4. Use a Ladder Towel Rack

Ladder Towel Rack

A ladder towel rack is a unique way to display towels in a bathroom. It adds some height and dimension to the space, and can be easily moved around if needed. This option is great for bathrooms with limited wall space, or for those who like to switch up their decor frequently.

5. Fold Towels on Shelves

Towel Shelves

If you have some extra shelf space in your bathroom, consider folding towels and placing them on the shelves. This option is great for displaying towels in a more decorative way, and it allows you to easily switch out your towels as needed. You can also add some decorative items, like candles or plants, to the shelves to further enhance the look of the space.


Displaying towels in a bathroom can be both functional and stylish. Whether you choose a classic towel rack, unique ladder towel rack, or opt for hanging towels from hooks or rolling them in baskets, there are plenty of options to suit your style and space. Consider the size of your bathroom, the number of towels you need to hang, and the overall look you are going for when selecting a towel display option.

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